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We had a LOT of activities for the second quarter. Let me list them for you:



This years intramurals is a little bit different. Program began with colorful parade accompanied by loud chants created and presented by students representing each team color. LPSci introduce variety of sports that studets, teachers, and faculty staff can showcase their abilities such as volleyball, basketball, chess and many more. The program also offers the Mr and Ms intramurals 2024 with each team colors havig their own representative to symbolize their color. Each team having their own name, came from mythical creature like magindara, santelmos, minokawa and many more. The program aimed to encourage everyone such as students, teachers, and faculty members to showcase their hidden skills and strengthen the body. Not just students but also others are looking forward to the sports and events that will happened during and future intramurals season.“Win or lose it’s the bond and unity that matters” - Ashton Aranza LPSci student, proving that this annual event that this kind of events is to enhance social life and building trust.

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This was our first section acitivity and I can say that it is a 50/50 success since we didn.t win but we created some memories. Most of my classmates does not like this section since some of their friends are in different sections or just misses their old section. I can't blame them though I also miss my friends and my grade 8 life. But what's the connect? They can't really express their support for this section because of that reason. I observed that our section is the most quiet one in the program.I don't know why. But atleast we get to make a meomories inside the classroom right?Hopefully.